Why non woven bags

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Here are some of the reasons why you should opt for non-woven bags

A bag that’s equal to a hoarding

A designer bag printed with your company’s logo is a great advertising tool. Vibrant colours make your logo and ideology pop out and thus, it is noticed by many. A unique design serves as a great eye-candy for people. So, handing out non-woven bags printed with your name gives you the leverage of grabbing new eyeballs every day. Plus, your brand receives an all new identity – looking fashionable and being environment friendly, at the same time.

It saves your money – A secret revealed

If you compare the price of non-woven bags to paper or plastic bags, the former will seem a little cheaper. However, if you dig in deeper, the fact that makes non-woven bags cheaper is that they last longer. A non-woven bag can be used multiple times. Also, these bags can carry heavy stuff compared to their alternatives. Thus, once a non-woven bag is handed out to your customers, they can easily use it for a long time. This brings us to the next advantage. 

Talk of the town

Fashion-forward is the right word for the world of today. Non-woven bags are uber-cool, stylish, and trendy. Not only do they look stylish, but they also provide ample space. Thus, a wise choice, non-woven bags make it to the top when it comes to shopping responsibly.

A partner that stays with you for long

A paper or plastic bag is at the risk of breaking or tearing if heavy things are put into them. However, with a non-woven bag, such problems do not occur. Also, they last for at least 5 years, making them a wise choice over their plastic counterparts. A non-woven bag’s durability is one of the major reasons why international brands and retail stores choose non-woven bags for packaging purposes.


Friends with the environment

Although we have been talking about these bags being eco-friendly since the beginning, there is one important aspect that is associated with them: it defines a brand’s integrity. If you are a world renowned brand or a retail shop, using non-woven bags will showcase your concern for the environment, and thus will help you garner more interest for your brand.
